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Comparative advantages and disadvantages of the gate valve and shut-off valve

Time:[2012/7/26 16:18:22]   Read[5161]Times 【Add Favorite】 【Return】

Valve has the following advantages:
Fluid resistance is small, distressed brush and erosion of the sealing surface by the media. Open and close more effort. Medium flows unrestricted, spoiler, do not reduce the pressure. A simple shape, the short length of the structure, and good manufacturing processes, and a wide range of application. Valve defects as follows: between the sealing surface could easily cause erosion and abrasion, maintenance more difficult. Dimensions larger open requires a certain space, the opening and closing time. The structure is more complex.
Globe valve advantages:
1, the structure is simple, manufacture and maintenance more convenient.
2, the working stroke is small, open and close a short time.
3, good sealing, the friction force between the sealing surface, longer life expectancy.
4, straight-through DC and rectangular Type cutoff valve body structure. The passthrough formula is the most common structure, but its resistance to fluid. DC fluid resistance is smaller, and more for the fluid containing solid particles or viscosity. Right Angle body to use more forged, suitable for smaller pass through higher pressure cut-off valve, stainless steel globe valve. Shutoff valve disadvantages:
1, the fluid resistance is large, the opening and closing force required larger.
2, does not apply with particles, viscosity, easy coking medium.
3, poor regulation performance.
4, closing the position of the type of valve stem threads points external thread, internal thread. The flow of medium, straight-through, DC and angle type. Cut-off valve sealed form, packing seal globe valve and bellows sealed globe valve.
Bellows sealed globe valve with bellows seal design, completely eliminate the shortcomings of the ordinary valve stem packing seal leaked aging fast and easy, not only to improve the efficiency of energy use, and increase the safety of production equipment, reduce maintenance costs and frequent maintenance, and also to provide a clean and safe working environment.

The foregoing description, the cut-off valve and gate valve, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, which valve is better to put specific conditions, to see what kind of valve is suitable for.

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